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Arc Financial Analytics

Arc Financial Analytics

With ArcAnalytics, you get a complete overview of your company’s performance all on one dashboard.

The dashboard allows you to track, analyze, and view key metrics with data that’s in real time. You can view important KPIs that include your top-paying customers, top-selling products, total revenue, expenses for the month, and more. Plus, all your data is presented through easy-to-read graphs, line charts, and gauges, so you always get an accurate picture of your company’s performance in just one glance.

It’s time your company takes financial reporting to the next level. See how you can gain more insight and make better business decisions with ArcAnalytics today!

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Key Benefits of ArcAnalytics

  • See real-time data through graphs, charts, and gauges
  • Identify key metrics that include revenue, expenses, assets, net income, and more
  • Improve business strategy and decision-making
  • Export data from any fiscal year to build reports
  • Easily sync your organization’s data
Cougar Mountain Software develops leading on-premises accounting solutions. Our hallmark software, DENALI, is specifically designed to scale to clients’ needs while maintaining an unbreakable audit trail. Learn more at www.CougarMtn.com
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