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CMS Pro Upgrade

CMS Pro Upgrade

Are you a CMS Pro user ready to upgrade to Denali? Instead of spending hours transferring your data yourself, let us do the heavy lifting! Our team of conversion specialists is here to ease the transition from Pro to Denali.

The process for moving your data is completely automated, so there is very little work for you to do. We can also convert any custom reports you have using Crystal Reports.

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The Process

  1. Create a backup of your CMS Pro data.
  2. Your CMS Conversion Specialist will convert the data into Denali.
  3. After the data is in Denali, the Conversion Specialist will create a Denali backup.
  4. After you review your Denali data, the Conversion Specialist will make any necessary final adjustments (this can range from correcting a balance to changing your screen layout).

Other Benefits of Switching

  • 5-year fiscal calendar instead of 3
  • Payroll data doesn’t disappear when you close the year
  • No more encryption keys
  • Tougher security

Still Unsure?

  • We can convert ALL your history
  • Most modules and processes in Denali are similar to Pro (you can even choose to use Classic Navigation so it looks more like Pro)
  • Access to the same world-class support team you know and trust
Cougar Mountain Software develops leading on-premises accounting solutions. Our hallmark software, DENALI, is specifically designed to scale to clients’ needs while maintaining an unbreakable audit trail. Learn more at www.CougarMtn.com
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